Halloween 2010
When I was trick or treating, our only concern was who would get the most candy. Halloween was 4 days in York, Pennsylvania and you only went trick or treating at night. Maybe Peter Pan and Michael Jackson were on […]
When I was trick or treating, our only concern was who would get the most candy. Halloween was 4 days in York, Pennsylvania and you only went trick or treating at night. Maybe Peter Pan and Michael Jackson were on […]
Ever wonder why that Jews are the most hated people by Islam? Did the Jews conquer Muslim lands 1400 years ago? Have the Jews been brought up to hate the Muslims? Do the Jews call Muslims pigs and monkeys? Most […]
– My Take – If this doesn’t twist your stomach, ache your heart, and blow your mind, then all that can be said for you is ‘Rest in Peace’ because you are not a living human being. Since 1973 40 […]
– My Take – They have become so arrogant and so empowered thanks to the 1400 year stupidity and weakness of civilized society. But the ever weak and stupid Christians and Jews allow them to not only exist, but to […]
– My Take – Any of you have a teenage daughter? How about have any of you ever seen a teenage girl? Of course we all have. (Bear with me, this a visual thing) Well now you need to close […]
Dear Christians, I know this is not news to most of you,but just in case you haven’t heard; nobody cares about you anymore. The burning of your churches and the massacring of your women and children means nothing. You have […]
That’s right. Two of my best friends are Muslims. OK they’re really not Muslims because if they were real Muslims and read my articles on Islam on this site, I’d be dead. They were both born into Muslim families and […]
– My Take – If you ever have visited the GLOOG.us site then you are not surprised at the topic. The post below is among the very first outside of GLOOG.us to hit on the reality that lawyers (judges are […]
– My Take – You have to give him credit. This subhuman pedophile butcher from 1400 years ago has showed everyone how brilliant evil can be. Just as Jesus was endowed by God with a divine brilliance that set mankind […]
– My Take – (Full Disclosure – OK I’m definitely not ‘objective’ here. The 4 angels we have been blessed with are here today thanks to God and the brilliance He bestowed upon Mr. Robert Edwards). I hope I’m […]
– My Take – I’m guessing that most news bloggers are pretty depressed people. There’s just not too much positive or enlightening news these days. (Thanks Chile for providing the exception to the rule.) The bloggers are not alone though. […]
– My Take – Some things just should be seen and exposed. Most of the atrocities of Islam are swept under the rug on a daily basis by the world’s medias and most of the good citizens of the world […]
– The Bottom Line – It is 'beyond belief' how this "800 pound elephant in the room" is totally ignored and overlooked 24/7 in all of the media! I mean think about it. These media 'pundits' talk day and night, […]
School District Sued – Students get 5M – Lawyer gets 5M !! ??? ???? ?? ??????? – My Take – Most Americans have no idea about the extent of the destruction the American lawyer is doing to this once great […]
You’ve heard of reverse discrimination. Well here’s an example of ‘reverse immigration’ ! Dear President Obama:I’m planning to move my family and extended family into Mexico for my health, and I would like to ask you to assist me. ??? […]
– My Take – Let’s all pray: ‘Please God release us from this parallel universe. We have been punished enough and need to return to the real world before we all lose what is left of our sanity’ – AMEN […]