Weirdest Tech Headline Ever!
The Bottom Line here is that I hope your sense of humor is in tack! I had to read this twice before I believed it. Gizmodo is the website that I get most of my tech news from. Great […]
The Bottom Line here is that I hope your sense of humor is in tack! I had to read this twice before I believed it. Gizmodo is the website that I get most of my tech news from. Great […]
– The Bottom Line – "Our society is sick. How is it possible to rationalize the killing of preborn babies and then protest mightily against animal cruelty"? – Gary DeMar Here's a simple illustration of what happens when a society […]
– The Bottom Line – I can remember in college taking an Ancient History class. One day the professor asked me when it was that Ancient history ended and modern history began. The historical answer was one thing but the […]
GLOOG – Most lawyers will tell you how terrible 'Loser Pays' would be for the 'average man.' Hopefully most people can see through this self serving deceit by lawyers who after all are the unchallenged experts on self serving lies […]
Al-Qaeda Acknowledges Syrian Rebels Are Part of Its Network, Fighting to Establish Caliphate in Syria Posted on Apr. 9, 2013 by Tiffany Gabbay After the carnage unfolded at the U.S. diplomatic outpost in Benghazi, a potential gun running scheme to […]
Syria: Christian beheaded and his body thrown to the dogs Posted on April 10, 2013 by Pam Geller Syrian rebels beheaded a Christian man of thirty years and have fed dogs with parts of his body, according to a nun […]
A Photo of Pope Francis’ Embrace of a Disabled Child Captivated the World Posted on Apr. 9, 2013 by Billy Hallowell Pope Francis’ embrace of Dominic Gondreau, a child with cerebral palsy, recently went viral, touching the hearts of individuals across the […]
The Muslim President is Doing Exactly As He Said … We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America. – Barack Obama, 2008 Obama Allows Millions of Illegals to Stay in US Yet Pushes to Deport […]
Fascism is not hard to recognize. Like Islam the homosexual agenda leaves no doubt. And like Islam, there is no debate or extensive research needed. One need only to read the headlines. So here they are…
The hard Left in America is a fascist movement just like their grandfathers in the 1920-40s. They are going to use the power of the government to establish their belief system. They have used the freedom of the United States’ […]
– The Bottom Line – He delivers wit, sarcasm and humor like no other at Fox News or anywhere else in today’s ‘Brain Dead Media’. How refreshing it is to see someone with such a grasp of what most Americans […]
GLOOG – The following two headlines may just be the simplest way to understand that it is time indeed for a total Constitutional overhaul of the structure and the powers of this body.
– The Bottom Line – It started around the late sixties. I was in high school and all the protests were going on about Vietnam and it seemed like anything else 'they' could think of. Most of it didn't […]
– The Bottom Line – After reading the post below, I just had to comment on this ‘issue’ of marriage. The post is by Gary DeMar over at Godfather Politics and as usual Mr. DeMar is right on the money. […]
– The Bottom Line – Not since LBJ has anyone more deservedly earned the title and membership in that exclusive Club; 'Seeders of Destruction.' Barack Hussein Obama may not have planted this seed, LBJ deserves full credit, but Mr. Obama […]
GLOOG – It's so obvious but no one can do anything about it. The lawyers control EVERYTHING and it will be a cold day in hell before THEY 'allow' us to stop 'the gravy trains' they have established. Capone was […]