Move over, Jimmy Carter!
– My Take – Not sure why the election of 2008 was so depressing for me. So many reasons. I never care what party wins. In fact, there’s a good argument now to eliminate the 2 party system and design […]
– My Take – Not sure why the election of 2008 was so depressing for me. So many reasons. I never care what party wins. In fact, there’s a good argument now to eliminate the 2 party system and design […]
– My Take – I’ve spent a lot of time condemning the terrible leadership in this country and the ‘weak and stupid’ Good Guys. So it’s a pleasure to introduce to you a rare combination of character, courage, leadership, vision, […]
– My Take – I may have to go out and buy a 2 Terabyte Hard Drive if I plan on posting all of the examples that illustrate how the American media disgraces journalism and this country. Well most of […]
– My Take – God Bless Pamella Geller and all those patriots in New York on 9/11/2010. The whole country owes them our gratitude and support. The mere fact that Americans actually have to protest to keep a known enemy […]
Sounds crazy? Just watch the video below; full screen and audio at about 75%. Think of the old saying; “There but for the grace of God go I”. Then form your opinion. Associated Press: September 12,2001 – America Declares War […]
“We must never, ever, lose sight of the fact, that every man, woman, and child who died on September 11thwas the most important person on earth to somebody. And every one of their deaths, extinguished a world.” – President George […]
– My Take – Forget about the bible, forget about what Jesus said, forget about what any religion says and definitely forget about what these weird, selfish homosexual ‘people’ say. I’m being generous labeling them people. The word people is […]
Confession: I am not a scholar of the Bible. The closest I ever got to studying The Bible seriously was in Bible school when I was a kid. Since then it’s been pretty straight forward to me; The Golden Rule. […]
This is an easy one to categorize; ‘The First Muslim President’. It could become tied with the ‘This is Islam’ category as having the most supporting evidence. Of course we all know about the 10 young American soldiers who risked […]
– My Take – Here we go again. I am starting to question myself and why on earth I post this stuff. After all this has been going on now for over 1400 years and still most people think Islam […]
– My Take – Sad, Very Sad. Nine years after 9/11 and still no Twin Towers. The Good Guys are indeed stupid and weak. Instead of expediting the resurrection of an American Icon, they have let the whole at Ground […]
Poor General Patton. Just can’t rest in peace. 1st Vietnam, then the Gulf War, and now the war on Islam. The atrocities of war without the victories that they are fought for. All those young brave American soldiers dying, […]
Everyday there seems to be a new title for this guy. Don’t you long for the days when we had a ‘Commander in Chief’ in the White House. The best humor always brushes with the truth. ????? ???? This […]
CAUTION – Graphic Video! A very graphic video showing the world how the subhumans of the cult known as Islam deal with those who disagree with them or refuse to follow Islam.
– My Take – In this piece Barbara Simpson asks; What are we doing? (Referring to the despicable actions taken since 9/11 to defend Islam) Well the short answer is blatantly obvious; America has been weak and stupid in the […]
– My Take – Hitler must be turning in his grave. FDR never even once invited him to dinner at the White House during his 3 terms in office. ????? ??? ???? ??????? So here we go again, serving […]