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  • Here is a ‘moderate muslim’

    Here is a ‘moderate muslim’

    From ‘The Horses Mouth’ Son of Hamas Mosab Yousef: “Every mosque is a danger on American soil” Yousef says that as a former x-Shin Bet officer he believes every mosque posses a danger to America. Posted by therightscoop on Aug […]

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  • Bin Laden Insulted by Obama

    Bin Laden Insulted by Obama

    Pakistan  August 14, 2010:  Subhuman Osama Bin Laden is reported to be upset at his Muslim brother Barack Obama for not including him in the Ramadan guest list at the White House Dinner. Washington D.C,  August 15, 2010:  Today the […]

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  • WorldNetDaily Dumps Ann Coulter from Miami Conference

    WorldNetDaily Dumps Ann Coulter from Miami Conference

    By Gina Miller on August 19th, 2010 If we’re going to take America back, we’re going to have to restore our moral foundations, not continue to compromise on the principles we know to be true.  Ann Coulter is not helping […]

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  • Coming to America: Sharia in Britain and its 17,000 ‘Honor’ Attacks on Women A Year

    Coming to America: Sharia in Britain and its 17,000 ‘Honor’ Attacks on Women A Year

    So what has a few years of Sharia given to the Brits?  Well, for starters an article in Forbes Magazine this week pointed out that in 2008 the UK Independent did a study and found that there were around 17,000 […]

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  • American Tolerance = Suicide

    American Tolerance = Suicide

    –  My Take  – Bill Whittle talks about how policies of appeasement encouraged our enemies in the years leading up to World War II.  Are modern policies of appeasement encouraging Islamic extremists?     Will we pay the price for […]

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  • Former Gitmo inmate, now a deputy in al-Qaeda urges 9/11-style attacks on Israel

    Former Gitmo inmate, now a deputy in al-Qaeda urges 9/11-style attacks on Israel

    Click for ‘Religion of Peace’ Release people who vow to kill you! File this under ‘The Good Guys are Stupid and Weak’. ??????? Read More at:    Jihad Watch

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  • BHO: Incompetence Personified

    BHO: Incompetence Personified

    WorldNetDaily Commentary Exclusive: Jackie Mason drubs Obama over rhetorical gymnastics on NYC mosque. Watch how this man uses his unique and powerful humor to hit the nail on the head. Watch Jackie Mason at: 

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  • Bolton: Israel only has a few days to attack Iran

    Bolton: Israel only has a few days to attack Iran

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  • Lt. Col. Allen West: It’s about time we end the Gestapo like intimidation tactics from Nancy Pelosi

    Lt. Col. Allen West: It’s about time we end the Gestapo like intimidation tactics from Nancy Pelosi

    “If we have people…such as Nancy Pelosi that are not going to stand up for our American way of life, that are not going to stand up for the horrendous actions that took place on 9/11 and the respect of […]

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  • Congressional Candidate LTC (ret) Allen West

    Congressional Candidate LTC (ret) Allen West

    Congressional Candidate LTC (ret) Allen West Speaking Before members of D.C. Works For US “One Word; Principal”

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  • Understanding Obama’s Muslim roots

    Understanding Obama’s Muslim roots

    !!  Wake Up Call  !! It really doesn’t matter what any American thinks about what religion Obama is.  The reality is that as stated in the Koran, and believed by all Muslims, if your father is a Muslim than the […]

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  • Gay-rights activists duping conservatives

    Gay-rights activists duping conservatives

    The problem is that the very moral soul of America – biblical morality, Judeo-Christian values, the Ten Commandments – is being slowly sucked out of the conservative movement as though with a giant spiritual vacuum cleaner. And what it’s leaving […]

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    BHO – The Muslim President: “These rituals remind us of the principles that we hold in common, and Islam’s role in advancing justice, progress, tolerance, and the dignity of all human beings. “Ramadan is a celebration of a faith known […]

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  • Hey Ayatollah, Leave Those Kids Alone!

    Hey Ayatollah, Leave Those Kids Alone!

    Pink Floyd bassist Roger Waters has given his blessing to a rewritten version of  “Another Brick in the Wall,” which Canadian band Blurred Vision released earlier this year, according to the AP. The Toronto-based act is fronted by two Iranian-born […]

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  • Top 10 ways Obama is destroying our country

    Top 10 ways Obama is destroying our country

    Top 10 ways Obama is destroying our country Posted: August 13, 2010 by Larry Klayman – Read More at

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  • Barack Obama — The Sharia Law President — Endorses the 9/11 Mosque

    Barack Obama — The Sharia Law President — Endorses the 9/11 Mosque

    “Henceforth Barack Obama is to be regarded with this designation: he is The Sharia Law President. This is a president who is more interested in supporting Muslims who endorse totalitarianism than comforting the families of the victims of 9/11. This […]

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