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  • Clash of ‘Civilizations’

    Clash of ‘Civilizations’

    –  The Bottom Line  – The following is an excellent rundown on the obvious differences between Islam and the rest of the world.  The only mistake is when he suggests this; The West is almost as in love with improving […]

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  • America – The Rational Man’s Shining Hour.

    America – The Rational Man’s Shining Hour.

    –  The Bottom Line – “If a nation expects to be ignorant and free in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be.” -Thomas Jefferson, 1816. Like most who do love this country and all it […]

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  • Marco Rubio – Another Clueless Lawyer

    Marco Rubio – Another Clueless Lawyer

    Syrian rebels: “When we finish with Assad, we will fight the U.S.!”  –  The Bottom Line — Anyone with actual knowledge of The Middle East knows that Islam has taken over the entire region save for Israel, Lebanon and Syria.  […]

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  • It’s Over…

    It’s Over…

    –  The Bottom Line  – Truth + reality + simple + to the point + political correctness be damned = 'The Bottom Line'.  In this piece by Howard Galganov, all of the above are evident as he nails it about today's […]

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  • Marcus Tullius Cicero Foretold the Fall of America!

    Marcus Tullius Cicero Foretold the Fall of America!

    Excerpt from GLOOG :  More than 2,000 years ago, the great orator and statesman Marcus Tullius Cicero foretold the decline and fall of the Roman Empire with these words, which exquisitely described the ravages wrought by lying politicians with self […]

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  • Bravo for ‘The Stones’

    Bravo for ‘The Stones’

    –  The Bottom Line  – Whatever it is that these guys drink, I'll take some…  The Stones started out just about when my memory kicks in circa 1962!   They've been together longer than every band in history and most marriages.  […]

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  • It’s The Lawyer’s Constitution, Stupid!

    GLOOG – I'm sorry to have to break this to all those who revere The Constitution, but there needs to be a small edit in order to bring it into the 21st century.  No need for an amendment.  No need […]

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  • Most People Just Never Learn…

    Most People Just Never Learn…

    –  The Bottom Line  – Indeed.  Whether it is for mayor, legislature, governor, or President; MOST people never learn.  They keep electing the same inexperienced and inept people (mostly lawyers) to office and of course the results are always the […]

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  • Obama – Another Elected Lawyer – Another Failure

    Obama – Another Elected Lawyer – Another Failure

    Barack Obama Drowns America in Red Ink On the heels of Hillary Clinton – Another Lawyer, Another Failure, and as further evidence to support Bankrupting America – Thank You Lawyers, we have these latest figures and failures coming from 'The […]

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  • A Guide For The Married Man & Barack Obama

    A Guide For The Married Man & Barack Obama

    –  The Bottom Line  – One of my favorite comedy movies of all time is the 1967 film "A Guide For The Married Man."  If you have never seen it, put it on your list; it's 89 minutes of hilarity […]

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  • Obama – Playing America Like a Fiddle…

    Obama – Playing America Like a Fiddle…

    English. verb – play someone like a fiddle. (idiomatic) To manipulate (a person) skillfully.  He Played you like a fiddle. –  The Bottom Line  – Never underestimate the talents of evil.  Chief among these talents is the ability to make […]

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  • Thank You for Re-Electing Obama

    Thank You for Re-Electing Obama

    Thank You for Re-Electing Obama Posted by Eileen F. Toplansky on January 13, 2013 at The American Thinker As a soldier, I want to thank you for ensuring that I will have less than adequate protection in a field of military […]

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  • Why is Gas $4/gallon – CEO of Shell Spells it Out…

    Why is Gas $4/gallon – CEO of Shell Spells it Out…

    This is a fantastic interview with John Hofmeister, former Shell CEO. This man is passionate about the unbelievable potential America has in oil and gas but is equally frustrated by the fact that we don’t have any leaders taking us […]

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  • 3D-printed ears that look and act like the real thing

    3D-printed ears that look and act like the real thing

    Cornell bioengineers and Weill Cornell Medical College physicians have created an artificial ear that looks and acts like a natural ear, giving new hope to thousands of children born with a congenital deformity called microtia. They used 3-D printing and […]

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    You might be quite surprised …. Most of us know of the comparable relationship between Lincoln and Kennedy; but have you ever considered the comparisons between President Obama and Lincoln?   Parallels of Abraham Lincoln and Barack Hussein Obama:   […]

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  • The Taking of America

    The Taking of America

    –  The Bottom Line  – The good news is we had the good fortune to grow up and live in what could be called the 'Golden Age of America.'   The bad news, it didn't end, it was stolen away.   The […]

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