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  • Inside Google’s Data Centers

    Inside Google’s Data Centers

    Google takes us inside their data centers, shows you where the internet lives (video) By Daniel Cooper posted Oct 17th 2012 at Engadget Ever fancied a look inside one of Google's cavernous server farms? Given the security issues, the company […]

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  • October 15, 1992

    October 15, 1992

    'The draft dodging hippie who had boasted of his drug use and gone to Moscow to defame his country, a man who was at the time every bit the extreme impossible candidate that Obama would become 16 years later, went […]

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  • Christianity or Humanity??

    Christianity or Humanity??

    “We've come to a point…  there would be a split in the Christian world. And divided, we would not be able to stand."  –  The Bottom Line  – AMEN Maryland Bishop Harry R. Jackson, Jr.  OK  I'm a bit prejudice.  […]

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  • Mitt Romney – ‘Walks The Walk’…

    Mitt Romney – ‘Walks The Walk’…

    –  The Bottom Line  – In this day and age when all we hear are lawyer/politicians talking out of both sides of their mouths and being oh so generous with OUR money, this story about Mitt Romney is a very […]

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  • “We Pump The Gas & They Pump The Poison”

    “We Pump The Gas & They Pump The Poison”

    –  The Bottom Line  – Brigitte Gabriele is all about the bottom line when it comes to Islam.  She had to live through years of their barbaric war as a Christian in Lebanon.  Now she is fighting here in America […]

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  • Always Check With Your Dentist…

    Always Check With Your Dentist…

    Every once in a while a joke is so solidly based on a reality that it strikes the comic nerve like a bolt of lightning!    This is one of them…   

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  • I Still Love You Artie – But…

    I Still Love You Artie – But…

    A husband's refusal to have sex with his wife three times within a year was enough to persuade Supreme Court Justice Arthur M. Diamond of Nassau County, N.Y. to grant the wife's petition for a divorce on the ground of […]

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  • Joe Biden’s Excuse: He’s A Lawyer…

    Joe Biden’s Excuse: He’s A Lawyer…

    People who are not paid to lie for others recognize that during the VP Debate, Joe Biden was as arrogant, as obnoxious and as disrespectful as it gets on a national stage or otherwise. But Joe Biden, like most of […]

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  • Obamaphone Lady – Democracy’s Weakest Link

    Obamaphone Lady – Democracy’s Weakest Link

    –  The Bottom line  – Like the saying goes; 'It;s not Obama that's the problem, it's the millions of people who actually voted for him that's the real problem.'   INDEED!  This Democracy thing is just about the best proven way […]

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  • Joe Biden – Buffoon-In-Chief

    Joe Biden – Buffoon-In-Chief

    When you Google the name 'Joe Biden' + 'Buffoon' you get 144,000 results.  When you Google 'Paul Ryan' + 'Buffoon' you get 200,000 results and most of them are about the debate with, you guessed it – Joe Biden! –  […]

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  • Tammy Bruce & The Injustice System

    Tammy Bruce & The Injustice System

    The book is titled 'The Death of Right and Wrong' by Tammy Bruce.  Besides her brilliant expose of the 'Left Elite' for their never ending efforts to destroy America, Ms. Bruce fires direct hits at the enablers of the anti-American […]

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  • Obama’s Ring – The Smoking Gun…

    Obama’s Ring – The Smoking Gun…

    Obama's ring: 'There is no god but Allah' –  The Bottom Line  – In a sane world, Barack Obama would never have even been able to run for any national office,  His history, his associates and his Muslim background would […]

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  • The $1.4 BILLION Man!

    The $1.4 BILLION Man!

    Author John Groom’s latest enterprise, 'The 1.4 Billion Dollar Man: Costs of the Obama White House,' breaks down what it is costing us taxpayers to maintain the presidency and the White House.   According to Groom’s book here is how the […]

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  • Islam’s Invasion – Wake Up or Die America…

    Islam’s Invasion – Wake Up or Die America…

    –  The Bottom Line  – How could the mightiest military in history and the world's most successful country ever lose to a cult who by there own deeds and their own history, are civilizations biggest losers?   Actually there is only […]

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  • Here’s Your Syrian ‘Rebel’ Hillary

    Here’s Your Syrian ‘Rebel’ Hillary

    –  The Bottom Line  – Lawyer/Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is so adamant about helping the Syrian 'rebels' overthrow Bashir Assad that she's asking for another 45 million of OUR tax dollars to help them.  of course Clinton like most […]

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  • The Real Obama – Live – Finally!

    The Real Obama – Live – Finally!

    –  The Bottom Line  – Of course since he first lied to the nation in 2008 about attending 'Reverend' Wright's church but 'never hearing him' – I have not listened to a thing Barack Obama has said.  I have this […]

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