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  • Thank You Mr. Condell

    Thank You Mr. Condell

    –  The Bottom Line  – Looks like we finally have a someone who can handle the Secretary of State job.  No need to get into it here, once again Hillary Clinton has contributed to the Clinton legacy by disgracing America.  […]

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  • Obama – The Muslim Record

    Obama – The Muslim Record

    –  The Bottom Line  – Anyone who still thinks Obama is a Christian please say hello to Dorothy & The Tin Man… Barack Hussein Obama.  Of course he said he was Christian.  Anyone who knows just a little about Islam […]

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  • Only If They Cheat Can They Win

    Only If They Cheat Can They Win

    The election of 2012 is one of the easiest in history to call.   This election is not about 'who', it is about 'how'.  Obama and the Democrats will lose by a landslide:  UNLESS THEY CHEAT. – Obama Will Lose Big […]

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  • “Nobody Died in Watergate”

    “Nobody Died in Watergate”

    “We’ve been lied to. We’ve been flat out lied to. It’s as if airplanes crashing into the World Trade Center and someone said those were just accidents they veered off course. Everyone with two eyes and an IQ above plant […]

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  • The Denial of Evil – Part 1

    The Denial of Evil – Part 1

    ‘The human capacity to deny evil is almost limitless’ –  The Bottom Line  – This lethal human characteristic is more prevalent today than ever before in history.  And there can be no better proof than the sad and dangerous reality […]

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  • ‘Beverly Hillbillies’ at 50

    ‘Beverly Hillbillies’ at 50

    Fifty years later and I still watch it.  The only thing that has changed is that now I am the dad watching it with my kids.  And just like we did in 1962, my kids absolutely love the Clampetts.  The […]

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  • The Muslim President – Day # 1096 – Any Questions?

    The Muslim President – Day # 1096 – Any Questions?

    –  The Bottom Line  – There need be no further evidence.  It has been proven, not by the 'prosecution' but by the testimony of the defendant himself!  Barack Hussein Obama has shown his true colors over the last few years […]

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  • Big Al and ‘The Prophet’

    Big Al and ‘The Prophet’

    –  The Bottom Line  – It truly amazes me how many in the media refer to Mohamed as 'the prophet.'    Do any of these people have any living brain cells left?  If they did, they would be able to maybe […]

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  • A Warning from God to America?

    A Warning from God to America?

    " God works in mysterious ways " –  The Bottom Line  – Indeed. Like many agnostics and atheists, I don't buy this reasoning for the ghastly atrocities that plague man almost daily.  But unlike those who scoff at this reasoning, […]

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  • Beethoven, Justin Bieber and Tim Tebow

    Beethoven, Justin Bieber and Tim Tebow

    What do Beethoven, Justin Bieber and Tim Tebow have in common? Posted by Peter Saunders on Sep 25, 2012 Three superstars. Three very different lives. What do they have in common?   A professor in a college ethics class presented […]

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  • Does Any American Still Read The New York Times?

    Does Any American Still Read The New York Times?

    New York Times praised Piss Christ, condemned Muhammad movie –  The Bottom Line  – How anti-American does The NY Times have to be until the people of America bury it?  Name the category and this paper is on the opposite […]

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  • ‘Sucking The Vitality Out Of Business’

    ‘Sucking The Vitality Out Of Business’

    They destroy profits.  They destroy incentives.  They destroy creativity and ingenuity.  They destroy the very will and spirit upon which America built it’s success. ‘They‘ are the lawyers of America.  Through their total control of government, they have embedded a […]

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  • Welcome Hillary

    Welcome Hillary

    Jerry Zeifman supervised 27 year old Hillary Clinton’s work during the Watergate Investigation. After the investigation was over she was fired “Because she was a liar.” “She was an unethical, dishonest lawyer. She conspired to violate the Constitution, the rules […]

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  • The Greatest Scam in Business History

    The Greatest Scam in Business History

    The Energy Information Administration of the U.S. Department of Energy, is on record that “there are more proven crude oil reserves worldwide than ever in recorded history, despite the fact that worldwide consumption of crude oil has doubled since the […]

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  • A Muslim Prayer

    A Muslim Prayer

    "Oh Allah, destroy the rancorous Christians and the corrupting Jews"  –  quote came from a Muslim preacher on Friday in a Mosque in Libya.  –  The Bottom Line  – They teach it in their Mosques and they teach it to […]

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  • The ‘Good Old Days’ With An American President

    The ‘Good Old Days’ With An American President

    –  The Bottom Line  – How refreshing is it in these days of Obama to look back not so long ago and watch a President who loves America and is proud of it's history and accomplishments.  No matter what anyone […]

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