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  • It’s Official – Democrats Now The Anti-American Party

    It’s Official – Democrats Now The Anti-American Party

    –  The Bottom Line  – They might as well just change their name to the 'Communist Party' and get it over with.  They are not fooling anyone but themselves now. In fact if the Republican Party had any marketing talents […]

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  • ‘The Lawyer Rackets’ Extorts Gibson Guitars

    ‘The Lawyer Rackets’ Extorts Gibson Guitars

    This video is indeed UNBELIEVABLE on many fronts; that is of course if you disregard the fact that the government is run by lawyers, the courts are run by lawyers, the DOJ is ALL lawyers and the Gibson defense team […]

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  • ***GRAPHIC*** Hindu women chopped into pieces by Muslims in India

    ***GRAPHIC*** Hindu women chopped into pieces by Muslims in India

    The jihad against the Hindus is centuries old, with over 80 million Hindus slaughtered –and that's a low estimate. The jihadi war continues to this day. The ongoing gruesome slaughter of Hindus by Muslims is scrubbed entirely from the news […]

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  • Such An Adorable Couple…

    Such An Adorable Couple…

    Like so many pictures, this one is very funny and at the same time very pathetic.  The obvious question; how can so many woman allow themselves to be humiliated by these barbarians…  And is it a coincidence that the burqa […]

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  • Best Speech Ever to ‘The Bar’

    Best Speech Ever to ‘The Bar’

    The American Bar Association: The Largest Organized Crime Syndicate in American History.  Attorney Jon Larsen Shudlick delivered a scathing address to the American Bar Association, putting this corrupt legal profession in proper perspective.  

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  • Finally We Can Understand…

    Finally We Can Understand…

    Ever wonder how these anti-American blowhards ever have the ability to even speak?   They go on and on without ever paying any attention to history, facts, the truth and so on.  Well finally in one simple picture we have the […]

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  • Here’s Your Freedom Fighters!

    Here’s Your Freedom Fighters!

    –  The Bottom Line  – There is no reason to be diplomatic about it.  We're talking here about life and death.  We're talking here about the future or the end of civilized society.   We're talking here about how DAMN STUPID […]

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  • 2012: The Easiest Election in US History

    2012: The Easiest Election in US History

      Sometimes wisdom is as easy as simple math You can quote me on this and 'take it to the bank': "The election of 2012 is the easiest in U.S. history to call.   This election is not about 'who', it […]

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  • Remembering 30 American Warriors

    Remembering 30 American Warriors

     IN MEMORIAM   On Saturday morning August 6, 2011, 30 American warriors   were killed when their Chinook helicopter was shot down in the   Wardak province, Afghanistan.   Among the killed were   17 members of SEAL Team SIX. […]

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  • Marilyn Monroe – 50 Years Later

    Marilyn Monroe – 50 Years Later

    Marilyn Monroe (born Norma Jeane Mortenson; June 1, 1926 – died August 5, 1962)  Still the ultimate marriage of innocence and sex.   "Your candle burnt out long ago – the legend never did…" –  Marilyn – Candle in The Wind […]

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  • A Study That Actually Has Meaning!

    A Study That Actually Has Meaning!

    –  The Bottom Line  – Let's just say that this study effects every single person that lives, has ever lived and is not yet born…  I mean you have to admit, what other study ever was even important to the […]

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  • Hey Mr. President – KMA!

    Hey Mr. President – KMA!

    We all heard about Obama's anti-American (so what else is new) diatribe about the American businessman and entrepreneurs. ???? ????? ?? ????????   Well Mr. Ray Gaster has answered the Muslim president with all the respect he deserves… Mark H.

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  • The Winning Campaign Slogan

    The Winning Campaign Slogan

    –  The Bottom Line  – It's a campaign slogan that hits the nail on the head.  It's a campaign slogan that says what everyone else knows but refuses to say.   It's a campaign slogan that is brutally true.  It's a […]

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  • The GLOOG Flyer is Here!

    The GLOOG Flyer is Here!

    This is an information brochure like no other.   Only in these 4 simple, yet powerful pages will one find the answer so many have been asking for so long;   What happened to America? Please Join Us.  No petitions,  […]

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  • Why GLOOG?

    Why GLOOG?

    There is a cancer that is eating away at our country. GLOOG is the antidote. Dear American Patriot, All of you are aware of the myriad of problems that we face.  All of you are aware that the America we […]

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  • Another Day Inside Mohamed’s Cult

    Another Day Inside Mohamed’s Cult

    Muslim Woman Burnt Alive In Front of Her Daughters Muslim Cop kills sister for wearing pants –  The Bottom Line  – Hello!  Civilized World!  What the hell are you waiting for?????   Fourteen hundred years, is that not enough time to […]

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