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  • I’m Not Tired – I’m Sick Of It!

    I’m Not Tired – I’m Sick Of It!

    –  The Bottom Line  – Received an email the other day.  It was titled 'I'm Tired" and was attributed to Bill Cosby.  Well it's not written by Cosby, it was written by Robert. A Hall, former Massachusetts state senator in […]

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  • Soldiers Deck of Cards

    Soldiers Deck of Cards

    A Veterans tribute with just a pack of cards and a beautiful ending. Amazing – Awesome – Magical – Inspirational –  The Bottom Line  – Religious or not, if this doesn't touch you then perhaps it's time to make those […]

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  • F__K America! – Judge Allows Butchers of 9/11 to Celebrate!

    F__K America! – Judge Allows Butchers of 9/11 to Celebrate!

    –  The Bottom Line  – Anyone needing definitive proof that Lawyers Are Destroying America need go no further than this story.   It's not bad enough that this scum has already admitted to butchering 3000 Americans.  It's not bad enough that […]

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  • You Gotta Read This!

    You Gotta Read This!

    –  The Bottom Line  – Here it is.  Right from the "Holy Koran" as Obama calls it. ????? ?????? ??? ?????????   Shi'ites justify temporary marriage, mutah, by their reading of Qur'an 4:24: And all married women (are forbidden unto […]

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  • Islam – The Horse’s Mouth

    Islam – The Horse’s Mouth

    –  The Bottom line  – OK, it's not 'The Prophet' but then again I'm sure Mohamed would say the same things in describing Islam; after all he 'wrote the book.'   (Mohamed's Poison) Every day of every year we hear from […]

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  • Muslim Clerics Call For Destruction of The Pyramids

    Muslim Clerics Call For Destruction of The Pyramids

    The Pyramids: They are one of the wonders of our world, the symbol of the once-great society of ancient Egypt.  To most they represent a mammoth feat of human endeavor – a triumph of engineering, mathematics and human labor that […]

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  • The Muslim President – Day 1233

    The Muslim President – Day 1233

    In all the years since D-Day, there are three occasions when the president failed to go to the D-Day Monument that honors the soldiers killed during the Invasion. The occasions were: 1. Barack Obama 2010 2. Barack Obama 2011 3. […]

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  • 50 Christians Burned Alive inside pastor’s home by Muslims

    50 Christians Burned Alive inside pastor’s home by Muslims

    50 Christians burned alive inside pastor’s home by Muslims Posted by The Right Scoop on July 10th, 2012   A statement attributed to a radical Islamist sect in Nigeria known as Boko Haram says the group launched attacks that left […]

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  • Taliban Shoot Woman 9 Times, Men Cheer “Allahu Akbar!”

    Taliban Shoot Woman 9 Times, Men Cheer “Allahu Akbar!”

    Kabul, Afghanistan (CNN) — A shot rings out, but the burqa-clad woman sitting on the rocky ground does not respond. The man pointing a rifle at her from a few feet away lets loose another round, but still there is […]

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  • 83% of Doctors Consider Quitting Over Obamacare

    83% of Doctors Consider Quitting Over Obamacare

    –  The Bottom Line  – Anyone who may not understand Obamacare (and that's just about EVERYONE!) need only read the headline hear.  Any other discussions in the face of this is superfluous.  Care to discuss the performance of a car […]

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  • Muslims: ‘Wipe Christianity from face of earth’

    Muslims: ‘Wipe Christianity from face of earth’

    –  The Bottom Line  – DUH!   Anybody who thinks that this is news has either been living in a cave or is brain dead.   Like they really have to say it.  One thing for sure about Islam, they are not […]

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  • Ernest Borgnine Leaves The Stage at 95

    Ernest Borgnine Leaves The Stage at 95

    –  The Bottom Line  – Keep the Emmys and The Oscar.  Many actors are in that club.  But living and living healthy to 95 years old, now that's a real 'Lifetime Achievement'. bet365 casino   Ernest Borgnine receives The Oscar […]

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  • Breathtaking & Brilliant –

    Breathtaking & Brilliant –

    This site has to be in the top 10 on the internet.  Just pick your favorite city or landmark around the world and instantly, from the comfort of your seat and at no cost, take a helicopter ride in the […]

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  • Rolling Thunder!

    Rolling Thunder!

    OK  I think most would agree that biker chicks are either very hot or very not hot!   They are visions of every man's  wildest fantasy or visions that could cause any man to never fantasize again!   And so for your […]

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  • Pardon Behenna: Write Romney

    Pardon Behenna: Write Romney

    "On July 5th, 2012, we learned that the majority on the Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces (CAAF), in a 3-2 split, upheld the unpremeditated murder conviction of our son 1LT Michael Behenna.  Needless to say, we are very […]

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  • Truth Be Damed – Let’s Sue!

    Truth Be Damed – Let’s Sue!

    'Once upon a time', America was a self-reliant John Wayne society where a man’s gotta do what a man’s gotta do. Now, America has become an over-lawyered society where nobody takes responsibility for mistakes because it is more profitable to […]

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