Recent Posts

  • Bye-Bye to the Dentist’s Drill?

    Bye-Bye to the Dentist’s Drill?

    –  The Bottom Line  – COLUMBIA, Mo. – University of Missouri engineers and their research collaborators at Nanova, Inc. are one step closer to a painless way to replace fillings. After favorable results in the lab, human clinical trials are […]

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  • A Real American Half Time Show!

    A Real American Half Time Show!

    –  The Bottom Line  – Talent, creativity and patriotism combine to make this great Half-Time Show.   An ingenious slice of Americana by the West Virginia University Marching Band which pays tribute to the armed forces by featuring a medley of […]

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  • This is Islam

    This is Islam

    There are just so many stories of Islamic Butchery, Hypocrisy, etc. – everyday – all over the world.  So here we will list the story headline with a link to the original post.  A  brief study of the following picture […]

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  • The Good Guys Eat Their Own…

    The Good Guys Eat Their Own…

    –  The Bottom Line  – There is a possibility that the worst president in history will be elected to a second term.  First of all he is lucky, which is the prerequisite to any type of success.  Second, he has […]

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  • Shame


    –  The Bottom Line  – Ah the good old days.  When a black man could be strung up based totally on an allegation, no trial needed.  'Happy times are here again' for the KKK and for the scum of American […]

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  • Newt Will Dismantle the Oligarchy

    Newt Will Dismantle the Oligarchy

    –  The Bottom Line  – God Bless Newt Gingrich. That's right, a major political figure has finally called on the dismantling of the Oligarchy (here) established by the lawyers class over the last 4 decades.

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  • Silent Night for Christians – Video

    Silent Night for Christians – Video

    –  The Bottom Line  – "This video has been removed as a violation of YouTube's policy on shocking and disgusting content."   That's what You Tube does to the evidence of Muslim atrocities.  Indeed "shocking and disgusting"   But what's even […]

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  • Sick & Tired of the Perverts

    Sick & Tired of the Perverts

    –  The Bottom Line  – Unbelievable!  Two out of three  Three out of four TV Christmas movies we watched had homosexuals as part of the storyline!  WTF do I have to sit and explain this to my kids in a […]

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  • Christmas Lights For Our Troops & Veterans

    Christmas Lights For Our Troops & Veterans

    The Red, White and Blue Christmas Lights – Since 1775, over 1.3 million American troops have made the ultimate sacrifice. ??????? ??? ?????   Thank you and please visit to help give back to those who protect our freedom. […]

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  • BHO – The Audacity Continues

    BHO – The Audacity Continues

    –  The Bottom Line  – Spoken like a true narcissist.  ME and MINE will be OK and that's all that matters.  MY future is the only future that's important.  Why should it matter if others fail as long as I […]

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  • Thank You Newt!

    Thank You Newt!

    –  The Bottom Line  – You Can Take This To the Bank:  There will NEVER be any peace in the Middle East or in the World until Islam is eradicated The "Mid East Peace Process."  OK I have to admit […]

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  • No Cucumbers or Bananas for you, Slut!

    No Cucumbers or Bananas for you, Slut!

    –  The Bottom Line  – This story just had to be posted because it is rare if ever that there is a story about Islam that actually is funny instead of mortifying. Here's the great lady Pam Geller with an […]

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  • Fox News Alert – Christianity is Not a Religion!

    Fox News Alert – Christianity is Not a Religion!

    –  The Bottom Line  – Yesterday in answering an email remark, Bill O'Reilly actually said that 'Christianity is not a religion but a philosophy.'  He went on to say that 'Methodist, Catholic, Protestant etc are religions based on the teachings […]

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  • Hey You!  Yea You! You’re Being Recalled…

    Hey You! Yea You! You’re Being Recalled…

    –  The Bottom Line  – I'm not the most religious guy around.  I kid our preacher that I 'm worried about going to hell because he visits my house more than I visit Gods!   To me it's all very […]

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  • It’s The Electorate Stupid!

    It’s The Electorate Stupid!

    –  The Bottom Line  – Let's get right to it.  You can take this to the bank and cash it as soon as every one finally 'gets it': "All attempts to advance a  country or society, either by the people […]

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  • Obama’s America

    Obama’s America

    –  The Bottom Line  – Dr. Thomas  Sowell hits the nail on the head here and the pictures leave no doubt about the conclusion; The current Occupy Wall Street movement is the best illustration to date of what President Barack […]

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