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  • ‘Supercommittee’ Exposed

    ‘Supercommittee’ Exposed

    OK.  This could be the easiest question of the year, but let’s ask it anyway: What’s wrong with this picture of the ‘Super Committee? Happen to see any businessmen, economists or accountants etc.?

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  • ‘One Million Cells Per Second’ – The Miracle Video

    ‘One Million Cells Per Second’ – The Miracle Video

    –  The Bottom Line  – First the amazing technology and then the an actual miracle recorded and displayed in full color.  The genius of man records the genius of God.   'One million cells per second.  … The complexity and […]

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  • Follow The Money

    Follow The Money

    As if we need any more proof that lawyers control America.  Wake Up America.  When will you finally STOP VOTING for this untalented, uncreative and inexperienced group of narcissistic egomaniacs ?? Here's a little factoid that adds to the mix. […]

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  • Happy Thanksgiving

    Happy Thanksgiving

      Yes, Thanksgiving is a time of celebration – a time to thank God for the bounty He has provided so generously to us. But it’s always a good time to pray – to pray for victory, to pray for […]

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  • A Real All American Role Model

    A Real All American Role Model

    –  The Bottom Line  – I love Jesus Christ but I’m not too religious.  I loved the 61 Yankees and the 72 Dolphins and McEnroe-Borg at Wimbledon, but I’m not a sports fan.  OK, maybe I just have a soft […]

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  • Give Them an Inch….

    Give Them an Inch….

    –  The Bottom Line  – There are just certain sayings that forever ring true. "Give them an inch and they'll take a mile" is one. You can take this to the bank: The homosexual community in America will not stop […]

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  • Video – Why Are They Allowed To Exist?

    Video – Why Are They Allowed To Exist?

    –  The Bottom Line  – This video needs no commentary.  There is only one question.  There are two answers. The Question: Why are these subhumans and their cult of death allowed to exist in a civilized world? The Answers:  1. […]

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  • Obama’s Job Performance: A+

    Obama’s Job Performance: A+

    –  The Bottom Line  – 'Give the devil its due'  You can say  a lot about Barack Hussein Obama but in the end you have to concede that he's doing an excellent job in the White House.  Of course it's […]

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  • They Smile When He Speaks

    They Smile When He Speaks

    –  The Bottom Line  – If we could get a direct feed from heaven we would see that George Washington, Abraham Lincoln and all our great patriots up there aren't smiling much these days.  As they look down on America […]

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  • 21,000 Scholarly Articles on Shakespeare since 1980

    21,000 Scholarly Articles on Shakespeare since 1980

    –  The Bottom Line  – Bravo Governor Rick Scott of Florida.  Little do his detractors know it, but he is doing them a favor by pointing out the obvious. Governor Scott is finally bringing to the public table the 'unmentionable' […]

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  • It’s  Official – It’s Here!

    It’s Official – It’s Here!

    –  The Bottom Line  – Forget about the Cell Phone, the Laptop, the IPhone, the IPad, Google and Facebook.  Real 'high tech and innovation' has arrived!  40 years in the making!  Endless years of trial and error.  The brightest minds […]

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  • Self Test – Good Luck!

    Self Test – Good Luck!

    See if you can solve this one. Facial expressions are an important part of the respected Mayo Clinic psychometric test. In the following pictures you see women with a range of facial expressions. ????? ??? ???? Study the expressions, and […]

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  • Enemy ‘Rights’ – Are You Serious?

    Enemy ‘Rights’ – Are You Serious?

    –  The Bottom Line  – "If you are engaged in war against The United States, you are an enemy combatant.  You have none of the civil liberties of The United States, you can not go to court. ????? ???? ???? […]

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  • Could Urine Soon Power Your Home?

    Could Urine Soon Power Your Home?

    –  The Bottom Line  – You've heard the stupid saying; "Better pissed off than pissed on"  Well maybe not! A new study published by researchers at University of West England, Bristol, states that urine is full of chemicals that can […]

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  • 1/2% Control 82% of American Government!

    1/2% Control 82% of American Government!

    If the 535 members of Congress were truly representative of the American people, its numbers would include only three lawyers.  But it is not.  Instead today Congress has 213 lawyers.

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  • Bush ‘stupid’ – Obama ‘brilliant’  –  I’ll take stupid…Part 2

    Bush ‘stupid’ – Obama ‘brilliant’ – I’ll take stupid…Part 2

    –  The Bottom Line  – bril·liant – adjective : having or showing great intelligence, talent, quality, etc. And according to the MSM and the 'sheeple' that voted for this "moron" [mor-on – noun  a person who is notably stupid or […]

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