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  • Rot in Hell

    Rot in Hell

    –  My Take  – Factoid: UBLs’ father, Mohammed bin Laden, was married 22 times, although to no more than four women at a time per Sharia law. Osama was the only son of Mohammed bin Laden and his tenth wife, […]

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  • The Fallacy of Eligibility in 1 Picture

    The Fallacy of Eligibility in 1 Picture

    –  My Take  – Once again “a picture is worth a thousand words”. Kudos to Bill Connolly over at WorldNetDaily for drawing this.  The only problem is that I can not bring myself to categorize this as a ‘comic strip’  […]

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  • Obama’s Toilet Paper

    Obama’s Toilet Paper

    –  My Take  – Did anyone pick up on what really happened this Wednesday? On Wednesday, The Narcissist-in-Chief,  Barack Obama showed his contempt for the rule of law, the Constitution, and the American people. To have refused to facilitate the […]

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  • No Easter Statement from The Muslim President? Dah…

    No Easter Statement from The Muslim President? Dah…

    –  My Take  – Do we need any more evidence that 61% of ‘Americans’ elected a Muslim to be President? President Obama failed to release a statement or a proclamation recognizing the national observance of Easter Sunday, Christianity’s most sacred […]

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  • Rules for Radical Conservatives

    Rules for Radical Conservatives

    Rules for Radical Conservatives – Synopsis By Michael Walsh aka David Kahane     Interview with David Kahane: Introduction by ‘CHE’:   (CHE is the fictitious character that the author uses to speak to you on behalf of the liberals and progressives.) We […]

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  • “The Koran is the law of the beast”

    “The Koran is the law of the beast”

    –  My Take  – The Koran is the law of the beast. The law that says you may kill a man who is different than you and take his wife for your own. That he is less than you because […]

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  • Islamic “Family Honor” – Selling Daughters into Sex-Slavery for Sheep

    Islamic “Family Honor” – Selling Daughters into Sex-Slavery for Sheep

    –  My Take  – This is Islam.   And here is just another great tradition established by the pedophile butcher Mohamed.  And of course his followers are ever so obedient to emulate him, their “perfect man”.    What a ‘prophet’ […]

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  • Rod Serling’s President…

    Rod Serling’s President…

    –  My Take  – While watching the campaign of 2008, I kept waiting for Rod Serling to make his final remarks at the end of this Twilight Zone episode.   I really thought Mr. Serling had gone too far on this […]

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  • Muslim Father Slits Daughter’s Throat 28 Times

    Muslim Father Slits Daughter’s Throat 28 Times

    – My Take – A manual of Islamic law certified as a reliable guide to Sunni orthodoxy by Al-Azhar University: “not subject to retaliation” is “a father or mother (or their fathers or mothers) for killing their offspring, or offspring’s […]

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  • God’s ‘Doodle’ Pad…

    God’s ‘Doodle’ Pad…

    –  My Take  – In the classic movie “Mr. Deeds Goes To Town” Gary Cooper states that “almost everyone’s a doodler”. (See this great clip from the movie below) Well here is a video that surely could be testimony that […]

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  • Lawyer or Businessman.  Any Questions?

    Lawyer or Businessman. Any Questions?

    –  My Take  – As of March 25, 2011, the biggest business in the world, The United States of America, was $14.26 trillion dollars in debt! You’ve heard all the lawyer politicians talk out of both sides of their mouth.  […]

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  • The Only Enemy

    The Only Enemy

    On April 5, 1916, ninety five years ago today, there was a man born that most never heard of.   Fifty seven years later he was gone.  I spent 25 years with him and now 36 years without. My preacher laughs […]

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  • The Emasculation of America Leadership by Islam

    The Emasculation of America Leadership by Islam

    –  My Take  – Cover Your Keyboard! You’ve been given fair warning!   What you are about to see is so nauseating that you very well could barf right where you sit. This is how our ‘leaders’ are fighting the war […]

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  • Is John Paul II a Saint?

    Is John Paul II a Saint?

    –  My Take  – Well I guess if Obama can get the Nobel Peace Prize and Bill Clinton is stilled called ‘Honorable’ then it’s only appropriate that Pope John Paul should be sainted.  ( I do apologize for putting this […]

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  • Listen Up Bill, Glenn and Sarah et al.

    Listen Up Bill, Glenn and Sarah et al.

    –  My Take  – Bill O’Reilly, Glenn Beck, and Sarah Palin are indeed at the top of today’s influential people in America.  There can be no argument there.   Unfortunately, like many they criticize, they have not only disregarded The Constitution […]

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  • Islam’s Virus of the Mind

    Islam’s Virus of the Mind

    –  My Take  – I never cared much to hear about the excuses of a murderers and psychopaths or any reasons for anything when it comes to physically abusing or taking someones life.  (The exception obviously being defending yourself or […]

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