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  • CAUTION:  The Religion of Peace !

    CAUTION: The Religion of Peace !

    CAUTION – Graphic Video! A very graphic video showing the world how the subhumans of the cult known as Islam deal with those who  disagree with them or refuse to follow Islam.

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  • But all the while, the enemy laughs.

    But all the while, the enemy laughs.

    –  My Take  – In this piece Barbara Simpson asks; What are we doing?  (Referring to the despicable actions taken since 9/11 to defend Islam)  Well the short answer is blatantly obvious; America has been weak and stupid in the […]

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  • Not Finished Yet!

    Not Finished Yet!

    I always wanted to know who sits around and thinks up these jokes.  God Bless them.  Like they say, ‘the best things in life are free’.  Thanks guys…

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  • Muslim in Chief hosts (another) Ramadan feast for Muslims

    Muslim in Chief hosts (another) Ramadan feast for Muslims

    –  My Take  – Hitler must be turning in his grave.  FDR never even once invited him to dinner at  the White House during his 3 terms in office. ????? ??? ???? ???????    So here we go again, serving […]

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  • Obama: Muslim missionary?

    Obama: Muslim missionary?

    –  My Take  – When it comes to this subject, the old saying ‘can’t see the forest from the trees’ comes to mind.  Of course the forest is that Obama is a Muslim and the trees are all his words […]

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  • A Real President Speaks:

    A Real President Speaks:

    WOULDN’T IT BE GREAT TO TURN ON THE TV AND HEAR ANY U.S. PRESIDENT, DEMOCRAT OR REPUBLICAN, GIVE THE FOLLOWING SPEECH? ‘My Fellow Americans: As you all know, the defeat of the Iraq regime has been completed. Since Congress does […]

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  • Caution: Islam-The Beslan Massacre-What Really Happened

    Caution: Islam-The Beslan Massacre-What Really Happened

    –  My Take  – It’s been six years since the Beslan Massacre – what some have referred to as Russia’s 9/11 – where over 1,000 men, women and children were taken hostage at a school for three days. In the end, […]

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  • I Want Your Money

    I Want Your Money

    Kudos to the guys over at I Want Your Money website. ??????? ??? ????   Excellent educational piece on the nations economy and how Washington is inept at implementing any rational solutions. ???? ???? ???? Set against the backdrop of […]

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  • The Obama Administration’s War on America

    The Obama Administration’s War on America

    September 02, 2010 by Pamela Geller The internationalist in chief, single minded in his focus upon relinquishing American sovereignty to international law (the UN), is at war with America. America is under attack from within at the highest levels of […]

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  • The Nazi Culture of Islam in the Arab Middle East

    The Nazi Culture of Islam in the Arab Middle East

    –  This is Islam  – Teaching children to hate and kill.  What more can be said?  This video should be enough evidence. ?????? ??????   Once and for all, Islam must be eradicated from our civilization. Posted by David Horowitz  […]

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  • The System is a Joke Until The Voters are Qualified

    The System is a Joke Until The Voters are Qualified

    –  My  Take  – When I was younger and ‘knew everything’ I still questioned why we had to have a license or qualify for everything from Nuclear Reactors to going fishing.  Figured it was just a way to keep everyone […]

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  • The Religion of Peace – Live from London

    The Religion of Peace – Live from London

    !!    Wake Up Alert    !! If ‘a picture is worth a thousand words’ then these pictures from London represent thousands of WARNINGS to all of civilized society.  The question is;  Why the hell are we letting these sick […]

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  • Moderate Muslims – Keep Dreaming Good Guys…

    Moderate Muslims – Keep Dreaming Good Guys…

    –  My Take  – Why are The Good Guys Weak and Stupid?  First, they are uneducated about the enemy. ???? ??????? ??? ???   Second, they cannot imagine that such evil could still exist.  And third, and this applies primarily […]

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  • What’s Really Going On In America’s Mosques?

    What’s Really Going On In America’s Mosques?

    –  My Take  – It is an undisputed/documented fact that Islam uses their mosques as meeting and planning centers for their war against the infidels, (that would be us).  Here Ms. Brigitte Gabrielle lays it out for all who just […]

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  • Meet Ms. Brigitte Gabriel – All American

    Meet Ms. Brigitte Gabriel – All American

    Along with Nonie Darwish and Pamella Geller, Brigitte Gabriel is one of the three bravest woman of our generation.  She lives with her family in seclusion and travels with bodyguards.  Daily death threats from ‘The Religion of Peace’ have become […]

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  • Don’t fool yourself.  There is NOTHING good about ISLAM.!!

    Don’t fool yourself. There is NOTHING good about ISLAM.!!

    –  My Take  – Trust a woman to tell it like it is !   These are troubling times.  This was written by a woman born in Egypt as a Muslim.   Take a long hard look at this one ‘Muslim Woman’s’ essay […]

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