Recent Posts

  • Beck Does It Again

    Beck Does It Again

    –  My Take  – You can agree or not agree with the politics or opinions of Glenn Beck.  But one thing is without dispute; this man is one of, if not THE BEST TEACHER and PUBLIC EDUCATOR in the history […]

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  • The Scum of America Club

    The Scum of America Club

    –  My Take  – How would you like to be a relative or even a friend of one those butchered on 9/11 and hear this;     On Feb. 20, 2007, a post on the Paul, Weiss Web site proudly announced: “Paul, […]

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  • Did You Know?

    Did You Know?

    Find out the real difference between Paris and New York Why woman are more attractive then men Why men have two hands Why woman live longer The difference between the Army and the Air Force

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  • Australian Muslim cleric calls for beheading — who cares?

    Australian Muslim cleric calls for beheading — who cares?

    –  My Take  – In a real America, the DAM (Disgraceful American Media), individually and as a company, would long ago been brought up on charges of sedition if not treason.   It is baffling how this media of American citizens […]

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  • Bravo Renee Ellmers

    Bravo Renee Ellmers

    –  My Take  – Again it takes a woman to stand up to the DAM and the Islamic subhumans.  Republican candidate (North Carolina 2nd Congressional District) Renee Ellmers is under attack for a 30 second campaign ad which was released […]

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  • Health Officials Shut Down 7-Yr.Old’s Lemonade Stand !

    Health Officials Shut Down 7-Yr.Old’s Lemonade Stand !

    –  My Take  – You read it right.  They shut down a 7 year old’s lemonade stand. ?????? ??????   And that’s just one of many: In perhaps one of the most outrageous cases of regulations restricting small business, health […]

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  • Islam & Wife Beating – The Video

    Islam & Wife Beating – The Video

    –  My Take  – When viewing this video one almost wants to laugh.  It’s just so unbelievable it sounds like a good comedy routine.  That is of course until you realize this Muslim is serious and what he is saying […]

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  • Meet Sarah Palin – All American

    Meet Sarah Palin – All American

    –  My Take  – There’s something very providential ( –adjective – of, pertaining to, or resulting from divine providence) going on here.  Frank Capra, Jimmy Stewart and Gary Cooper have to smiling up there as they see this hometown girl […]

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  • An Open Letter to Larry Klayman

    An Open Letter to Larry Klayman

    Dear Mr. Klayman, I don’t expect that you will ever read this post.  If you do, I hope you will take a glance at the GLOOG site to just get an idea of  it’s true spirit.  I’m not a TV […]

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  • King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa for President?

    King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa for President?

    –  My Take  – Well I thought I’d never say this after the experience with BHO the first Muslim President,  but just maybe a Muslim President is what we need to wake up America!  Nah, never mind.  I’m just impressed […]

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  • Coptic Christian, Speaks at the 9-11 Rally of Remembrance

    Coptic Christian, Speaks at the 9-11 Rally of Remembrance

    – My Take  – It is Despicable how the Disgraceful American Media (DAM) covered the Koran ‘non’ burning non story 24/7 but never covers the butchering of Christians all over this world!    The DAM supports America’s enemy because they have […]

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  • Obama removes God from Declaration of Independence

    Obama removes God from Declaration of Independence

    –   My Take  – Anyone who believes BO loves this country please give me a call.    I have a great deal on a beautiful bridge in Brooklyn… How long do we have to put up with this Muslim man-child?  The […]

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  • Thank You Pam and Robert

    Thank You Pam and Robert

    –  My Take  – What great Americans.  Pam Geller and Robert Spencer never cease to amaze. ???? ?????   Their courage and their leadership is the stuff of the Founding Fathers. ????? ????? ??? ????   They don’t blink in […]

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  • Truth Is the New Hate Speech:

    Truth Is the New Hate Speech:

    –  My Take  – As mentioned here before, the American media is a national disgrace.  Publishing military secrets and classified national security documents, siding with the enemy over American interests, glorifying disgraceful moral conduct and bad behavior, not reporting stories […]

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  • the Battle for America, and Her Children

    the Battle for America, and Her Children

    –  My Take  – Our culture has been under attack for decades and the Bad Guys are winning.  The Bad Guys are those who totally disregard The Golden Rule.  Their ideology and their wants are tantamount to the good of […]

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  • TO ALL THE KIDS WHO SURVIVED THE 1930s, 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s

    TO ALL THE KIDS WHO SURVIVED THE 1930s, 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s

    –  My Take  – Pretty good outline of ‘the way we were’.  So what happened?  Is America better or worse than it was back ‘in the day’.  A lot of opinions on that one.  But one thing is for sure, […]

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