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  • Understanding Obama’s Muslim roots

    Understanding Obama’s Muslim roots

    !!  Wake Up Call  !! It really doesn’t matter what any American thinks about what religion Obama is.  The reality is that as stated in the Koran, and believed by all Muslims, if your father is a Muslim than the […]

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  • Gay-rights activists duping conservatives

    Gay-rights activists duping conservatives

    The problem is that the very moral soul of America – biblical morality, Judeo-Christian values, the Ten Commandments – is being slowly sucked out of the conservative movement as though with a giant spiritual vacuum cleaner. And what it’s leaving […]

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    BHO – The Muslim President: “These rituals remind us of the principles that we hold in common, and Islam’s role in advancing justice, progress, tolerance, and the dignity of all human beings. “Ramadan is a celebration of a faith known […]

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  • Hey Ayatollah, Leave Those Kids Alone!

    Hey Ayatollah, Leave Those Kids Alone!

    Pink Floyd bassist Roger Waters has given his blessing to a rewritten version of  “Another Brick in the Wall,” which Canadian band Blurred Vision released earlier this year, according to the AP. The Toronto-based act is fronted by two Iranian-born […]

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  • Top 10 ways Obama is destroying our country

    Top 10 ways Obama is destroying our country

    Top 10 ways Obama is destroying our country Posted: August 13, 2010 by Larry Klayman – Read More at

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  • Barack Obama — The Sharia Law President — Endorses the 9/11 Mosque

    Barack Obama — The Sharia Law President — Endorses the 9/11 Mosque

    “Henceforth Barack Obama is to be regarded with this designation: he is The Sharia Law President. This is a president who is more interested in supporting Muslims who endorse totalitarianism than comforting the families of the victims of 9/11. This […]

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  • Mass Muslim Marriage in Gaza 450 Grooms Wed GIRLS Under Ten!

    Mass Muslim Marriage in Gaza 450 Grooms Wed GIRLS Under Ten!

    –  My Take  – The exact truth to this story is still being debated.    Hamas has vehemently denied that any children were married at the event.   In fact, a Hamas official has stated that the youngest girl married at […]

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  • The Gifting President’s Ramadan Goodie Bag

    The Gifting President’s Ramadan Goodie Bag

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  • Boy Scouts Boo Obama

    Boy Scouts Boo Obama

    Does it Get Any Worse Than This? Think About This The Boy Scouts of America Booing The President of the United States! Obama disses the Boy Scouts Posted: July 29, 2010 by Jane Chastain Have you ever been stood up? […]

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  • Best Pick for The Supreme Court?

    Best Pick for The Supreme Court?

    You have a 25% chance of getting the answer right, Right?  – Wrong… The correct answer represents a giant leap in ‘Taking Back Our Country’ Wake up America.  The Trees keep changing but the Forest gets more poisonous. America and […]

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  • The Masters

    The Masters

    Because We write the laws, we interpret the laws, we administer the laws.  We decide if and when the laws are constitutional. We decide if and when they apply to us and if and when they apply to you. casino888 […]

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  • Finally – After 40 Years

    Finally – After 40 Years

    On May 25, 1961 John F. Kennedy committed the nation to landing on the Moon.  9 years later, man walked on the moon. ????????? ??? ????????? In 1968, Heinz created a new ketchup packet …

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  • Remarks by Obama at Cairo University, 6-04-09

    Remarks by Obama at Cairo University, 6-04-09

    –  My Take  – The fact that this man was a lawyer was bad enough.  Now the evidence starts rolling in that he is not only a lawyer President, but he is a Muslim Lawyer President!  The Audacity of this […]

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  • One Month of Islam in America

    One Month of Islam in America

    –  My Take  – Peace: – noun – a state of mutual harmony between people or groups, esp. in personal relations: Try to live in peace with your neighbors. I guess Islam, or ‘The Religion of Peace’ has a different […]

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  • A Message for America

    A Message for America

    –  My Take  – Excerpt:  “if President Obama is serious about showing respect to the Muslim world, then he should pay them the compliment of telling them the truth – that their religion is entitled to as much respect as […]

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  • New York: “Moderate” Muslim Beheads Wife

    New York: “Moderate” Muslim Beheads Wife

    –  My Take  – Well I guess the question is finally answered; what is a moderate Muslim?  This guy was as ‘moderate’ as it gets to anyone who follows Mohamed and the Koran. ?????? ???? ??????   He even started […]

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