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  • Islam Kills Then Laughs About It – And Us…

    Islam Kills Then Laughs About It – And Us…

    –  The Bottom Line  – Everyone knows and almost everyone forgot that on 9/11/2001 after the news of murder of 3000 Americans, Muslim groups all over the world celebrated.  They were joyous and laughing at how a few Muslim men […]

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  • Obamacare Made Simple In One Sentence – Video

    Obamacare Made Simple In One Sentence – Video

    –  The Bottom Line  – The word KISS is kind of an eleventh Commandment to all Engineers.  The beauty of the acronym is that it is so profound not only to engineers but to all of us who strive to […]

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  • A 9/11 Treat –  Killing bin Laden – The Interview Video

    A 9/11 Treat – Killing bin Laden – The Interview Video

    –  The Bottom Line  – One of the most interesting and satisfying interviews ever.  Here's the All American work ethic and spirit on display and embodied in a one young man who is a 'Poster Child' for the very kind […]

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  • Now This Is An Honor Killing!

    Now This Is An Honor Killing!

    "I saved my honor': Mother shoots and decapitates rapist who made her pregnant and then dumps his head in village square" –  The Bottom Line  – I love and respect all those who have a deep literal belief in the […]

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  • The Shame of a Lawyer Society

    The Shame of a Lawyer Society

    –  The Bottom Line  – Even though I have written about this in ‘Shame on Us’, I just read another article and it still turns my stomach and makes me ashamed to live in this uncivilized country.   The article tells […]

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  • Republicans: Time For The Knockout Punch!

    Republicans: Time For The Knockout Punch!

    –  The Bottom Line  – The Republicans will show the nation this year if they are a separate party or just half a one party system in America.    When a fighter has gone 15 rounds and the fight is […]

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  • The Muslims Trojan Horse

    The Muslims Trojan Horse

    Here among other dubious titles, Barack Obama is most commonly referred to here as The Muslim President.   He's earned a lot of titles in the last 4 years, but the one that titles this article could indeed be the most […]

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  • The American Lawyer – 1907!

    The American Lawyer – 1907!

    This is an amazing read especially considering this book was published back in 1907.   It is written by John R. Dos Passos, a lawyer who see's the damage that his profession is inflicting on the country and warns that if […]

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  • Obama Video – Case Closed

    Obama Video – Case Closed

    –  The Bottom Line  – Sooner or later the world will wake up from their slumber and realize how ignorant it has been for so many years.  To begin, as it usually does, America will lead by declaring Islam an […]

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  • Syria and The Born Yesterday Mentality

    Syria and The Born Yesterday Mentality

    –  The Bottom Line  – There’s an old saying that defines stupidity in a very subtle way; What, were you born yesterday? When it comes to Islam very few in this world are over a day old.  It is as […]

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  • Children Massacred – Who Cares…..

    Children Massacred – Who Cares…..

    – The Bottom Line – If I hear one more person talk about a memorial I'm going to throw up!  How embarrassing is it to belong to a so called 'civilized society' where the people are more concerned with building […]

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  • Mitt Romney – The Man To End America’s Nightmare.

    Mitt Romney – The Man To End America’s Nightmare.

    –  The Bottom Line  – I was not s Romney supporter.  Newt was and still is my number one choice.  But since Romney is now the man to end America's nightmare, I'm 100% for him. Last night he gave an […]

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  • Clint Eastwood’s Greatest Scene

    Clint Eastwood’s Greatest Scene

    A flashback to the Golden Age of Hollywood and an unprecedented reflection of the national conscience. Unscripted and unrehearsed. No Director and no retakes. No stunt men and no great music in the background to arouse our emotions. Yet it […]

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  • The World’s 1st Mosque – No Surprise Here…

    The World’s 1st Mosque – No Surprise Here…

    'The die was cast in 632 AD when Mohammed built the first mosque in Medina. It became an inviolable and enduring precedent. Using the mosque as a base of infiltration and invasion, he methodically proceeded to destroy and obliterate all […]

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  • Obama Stupid?  Don’t Think So…

    Obama Stupid? Don’t Think So…

    –  The Bottom Line  – So what is the reason Obama is so bad at his job?  Most will say that he's "in over his head."  Which is a diplomatic way of saying someone is stupid and don't have a […]

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  • The Muslim President – Day Number 1102

    The Muslim President – Day Number 1102

    –  The Bottom Line  – There's none so blind as those who will not see.'  So let's try to make it easier for these people;  Like the famous 'Duck Theory','The Muslim Theory' also speaks direct: If he was born a […]

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