Obama removes God from Declaration of Independence
– My Take – Anyone who believes BO loves this country please give me a call. I have a great deal on a beautiful bridge in Brooklyn… How long do we have to put up with this Muslim man-child? The […]
– My Take – Anyone who believes BO loves this country please give me a call. I have a great deal on a beautiful bridge in Brooklyn… How long do we have to put up with this Muslim man-child? The […]
– My Take – What great Americans. Pam Geller and Robert Spencer never cease to amaze. ???? ????? Their courage and their leadership is the stuff of the Founding Fathers. ????? ????? ??? ???? They don’t blink in […]
– My Take – As mentioned here before, the American media is a national disgrace. Publishing military secrets and classified national security documents, siding with the enemy over American interests, glorifying disgraceful moral conduct and bad behavior, not reporting stories […]
– My Take – Our culture has been under attack for decades and the Bad Guys are winning. The Bad Guys are those who totally disregard The Golden Rule. Their ideology and their wants are tantamount to the good of […]
– My Take – You know it’s one thing for the ‘Good Guys’ to ‘not get the writing on the wall’. BUT no longer do we need to interpret the ‘writing on the wall’, now there’s ‘videos on the wall’. […]
– My Take – MUST READ! Nonie Darwish lays it out as only an ex-Muslim can. Sit back and take a frightening look into the possible future for your country and your children… 9/11, 2061 Memorial Posted by Nonie Darwish on […]
– My Take – ‘The Bad Guys’ play offense and ‘The Good Guys’ play defense. As most people know, you can’t win without a good offense. And this is why The Good guys are losing their country. It’s time to […]
Over at Jihad Watch Robert Spencer sarcastically calls them “misunderstanders of Islam” because followers of the so called ‘religion of peace’ are always the ones in the headlines that involve death and destruction. This time it involves their plot to […]
– My Take – Since 1400 years of death and destruction hasn’t convinced most people, here’s the latest official report on the threat of Islam. Please someone explain to me why they name Sharia as the threat and not Islam! […]
– My Take – What American Priorities? I bet if I asked 100 people what are the priorities of this country, half would have different answers and the other half would have no answer. In America 2010, this is indeed […]
– My Take – I guess if some one is moronic enough to strap a bomb on himself and blow himself up then he’s moronic enough to think that there are 72 virgins waiting for him in ‘heaven’. Anyway, this […]
– My Take – How much longer do we have to put up with these barbarians? I am embarrassed to belong to a so called ‘civilization’ that would allow these subhumans any rights after 1400 years of bringing only death […]
– My Take – Just amazing how the a small group of people have overthrown the United States and the most Americans don’t even realize it. But then again most Americans still think Islam is a religion. What can I […]
– My Take – Not sure why the election of 2008 was so depressing for me. So many reasons. I never care what party wins. In fact, there’s a good argument now to eliminate the 2 party system and design […]
– My Take – I’ve spent a lot of time condemning the terrible leadership in this country and the ‘weak and stupid’ Good Guys. So it’s a pleasure to introduce to you a rare combination of character, courage, leadership, vision, […]
– My Take – I may have to go out and buy a 2 Terabyte Hard Drive if I plan on posting all of the examples that illustrate how the American media disgraces journalism and this country. Well most of […]