Recent Posts

  • “Death to America & Death to Israel” – Obama: “Greetings…”

    “Death to America & Death to Israel” – Obama: “Greetings…”

    –  My Take  – How despicable is the first Muslim Lawyer President?  This is how:   As tens of thousands of Muslims in Mecca shouted “death to America and death to Israel, Barack Hussein Obama sent them greetings and wished all […]

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  • An Alarming video every Westerner should see

    An Alarming video every Westerner should see

    –  My Take  – For all of you who are so concerned about the rights of Islam and “Islamaphobia’.  Here’s one of their subhumans telling you how Islam appreciates your support and how they will repay your kindness. Watch this […]

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  • Dementia Rules in the Land of Islam

    Dementia Rules in the Land of Islam

    –  My Take  – LAYUSUDDUK !  (Lay-u-sud-duck )   That’s Arabic for UNBELIEVABLE!  And that’s sort of a diplomatic way to describe what you are about to read. I have to admit, if nothing else, Islam is always consistent.   For over […]

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  • It Was Twenty Years Ago Today

    It Was Twenty Years Ago Today

    –  My Take  – They have affected and improved life for almost every single human being on this earth, every day of the week, 52 weeks a year.   They have created billionaires, millionaires, middle class family incomes and indeed […]

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  • Football At Its Best!

    Football At Its Best!

    –  My Take  – Everyone thinks he’s a smart guy in high school.  Well here’s a video that leaves no doubt who the smart guy is. ????? ??? ???? I can’t wait till my next life.  No more lineman for […]

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  • Little Johnny Told to Remove American Flag from Bike!

    Little Johnny Told to Remove American Flag from Bike!

    –  My Take  – When America was America, we all stood up in class and were proud to be able to say the Pledge of Allegiance to our country, the greatest country in the history of the world.   Then we […]

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    –  My Take  – The U.S. government (Your tax money) has provided about $18 billion in civilian and military aid to Pakistan since the Sept. 11, 2001.  And what do we get for such generosity?  We get exactly what the […]

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  • Only in Islam – Coming to America Soon?

    Only in Islam – Coming to America Soon?

    –  My Take  – Think this could never happen in America?  Well that is exactly what the British thought just a few years ago.  That’s right.  This picture of another gross Islamic ‘tradition’ was taken in ENGLAND! What a sick […]

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  • Veterans Day – The Video

    Veterans Day – The Video

    Speakers Up.. Tissue Box Opened::: If you want people to get the chills, and instill a sense of pride in our country and military, this is the one! This gripping, patriotic film short is great to honor vets, remember the […]

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  • Happy Birthday United States Marine Corps

    Happy Birthday United States Marine Corps

    During the American Revolution, many important political discussions took place in the inns and taverns of Philadelphia, including the founding of the Marine Corps. A committee of the Continental Congress met at Tun Tavern to draft a resolution calling for […]

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  • What is the only job in America where no ID is required?

    What is the only job in America where no ID is required?

    –  My Take  – Of course the answer is ‘President of the United States’.   (Swallow that for a minute.) My position ( Obama admits not being born in Hawaii) on this:  I don’t claim to be an expert on this. […]

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  • Reform Islam?  LOL!

    Reform Islam? LOL!

    –  My Take  – There is always those who will give the Bad Guy the benefit of the doubt. The protesters outside the prison walls.  The lawyer working pro bono so that the terrorist who has confessed to murdering thousands […]

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  • Obama visiting Muslim shrine in India

    Obama visiting Muslim shrine in India

    –  My Take  – The first (and last) Muslim president.  Like his brother Muslims, this man makes no bones about his disdain and disrespect for real religions. As pointed out in NARCISSIST IN CHIEF , there is no limit to […]

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    –  My Take  – Back around 1993 there was a guy named Bill Clinton who was running for president.  Even though I was pretty well up to the beat on politics and the news, I had never heard of this […]

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  • Gun Lovers All Agree

    Gun Lovers All Agree

    –   My Take   – How’s that go again; “Better safe than sorry”. Hard to disagree with all those American 2nd amendment lovers.  And who wants to anyway. Check out these ‘tidbits’ below and you’ll agree…. Hat Tip Chuck […]

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  • The answer. He is black.

    The answer. He is black.

    –  My Take  – Isn’t honesty so refreshing.  Koo-dos to Mr. Loyd Marcus for setting the record straight. While watching the campaign of 2008, I kept waiting for Rod Serling to make his final remarks at the end of this […]

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