Then and Now
GLOOG – It was 1962 when the slippery slope began. Eight lawyers decided that after 170 years saying a prayer in school was “illegal.” The real sin is that Americans accepted this verdict by 8 men who belong to the […]
GLOOG – It was 1962 when the slippery slope began. Eight lawyers decided that after 170 years saying a prayer in school was “illegal.” The real sin is that Americans accepted this verdict by 8 men who belong to the […]
GLOOG – Once again 9 lawyers decide how 300 million people should live, what they should accept, what they should think, and after thousands of years of their religion and traditions and in spite of the laws of Mother Nature…
GLOOG – Let’s be honest and realistic with ourselves. 1xbet The United States Constitution is a masterpiece that is admired like no other by those who respect the law, BUT in the hands of lawyers, judges and especially the […]
GLOOG: This is The Foundational Lie upon which The Lawyer Class has taken control of the American government and culture. This decision by 5 lawyers in 1803 was the seed of The Lawyer Oligarchy that now controls America…
– The Bottom Line – "Our society is sick. How is it possible to rationalize the killing of preborn babies and then protest mightily against animal cruelty"? – Gary DeMar Here's a simple illustration of what happens when a society […]
The GLOOG movement began with The Original 13th Amendment way back around 1777. I have known and written about this since I inaugurated the GLOOG website in 2009. But what I didn't know and just recently read about was how […]
It’s time that we replace these lawyers in black robes with men and women with experience and wisdom; in white robes! ??? ????? And by the way, it will be Constitutional!
– The Bottom Line – In 1972 Nine Lawyers in Black Robes Made It Legal To Kill Any Unborn Baby That May Be Deemed 'An Inconvenience' by the 'Mother.' Since then, over 4,000 babies are killed every day in our […]
As it is with ‘case law’, the lawyer class that now runs America needs us to believe that – ‘The Supreme Court has the Constitutional power to interpret what laws are Constitutional.‘ – This is the foundational lie upon which […]
– The Bottom Line – On January 22, 1973 all laws in the United States were officially nullified by 9 lawyers on the "Supreme" Court (1). On that day it became legal to kill an unborn baby right inside the […]
When you add up the three 'lawyer class' characteristics there is no way to avoid the outcome; Arrogance. And there can be no better representative of this than one Ruth Bader Ginsberg.
– The Bottom Line – Don’t let the question mark mislead you. He was Time’s Man of the Year in 1995. But he may just be the Man of The Century when it’s all over.
Newt exposes the profound realities that have produced the cancer that is destroying America. The full excerpt is about 15 minutes. And for sake of brevity and importance, the most outstanding points are each made available on a separate clip.
– My Take – The question is now whether or not the liberals are finished with Obama. If they are, then they and their media juggernaut, will allow justice to take its course. If they still want to hang on […]
– My Take – If this doesn’t twist your stomach, ache your heart, and blow your mind, then all that can be said for you is ‘Rest in Peace’ because you are not a living human being. Since 1973 40 […]
“Clearly, the federal judiciary in particular is out of control. It has broken away from “We the People” and become a “renegade” terrorist group of former lawyers who not only think and act as if they are “above the law,” […]